Local Print Ads

Classified ads and small display ads in local newspapers or magazines are a good way to reach your buyers. Get media kits from all your local publications (and any regional or national publications you may want to use as a model). Take a look at what they have to offer and at what price. The media kit will give you the demographic and geographic reach of the publication as well as rate information. Remember that the lowly classifieds are perused by a huge number of people, especially on weekends. Big-time auto dealers and real estate agents fill these pages up for a reason. If you slip a classified ad into the right category and keep it running consistently, you'll probably get a response strong enough to at least pay the cost of the ad.

The same rules apply to small display ads as to classifieds. Make it easy for your prospective buyers to learn what you have to offer. Use a border to set your ad apart if you can. Run the ad in the appropriate publication: do your homework, read those media kits. Make it very easy for your buyer to respond to your offer by giving a clear phone number, address and location details if space permits.

Another good way to reach customers is through your own newsletter. This can be a blend of advertising and informational text that refreshes your logo and identity and keeps you in touch with customers, without having to spend a mint on outside print advertising. Just be sure to keep your image consistent, wherever it is seen in print, and have it seen as frequently as you possibly can. Take a look at a book called How to Write a Good Advertisement by Victor Schwab, published by Wilshire, for some design and copy writing hints.